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Adapting the World Heart Federation (WHF) Roadmap in India

Hriday > Projects > Research > Adapting the World Heart Federation (WHF) Roadmap in India


  • To study the impact of tobacco price and tax measures on various tobacco-related outcomes, particularly the affordability of tobacco products in India and other countries of the South-East Asia Region (SEAR).
  • To understand the implementation of WHO FCTC Article 5.3 in India.


  • The adaption of the roadmap in India was based on the frameworks established by the WHF’s suite of 3 Global CVD roadmaps (for Secondary Prevention, Hypertension, and Tobacco Control).
  • The roadmap process involved conducting desk reviews, situational analysis, policy briefs, country scorecards, policy dialogues, preparing an action plan for strengthening health systems and augmenting the implementation of FCTC and NTCP implementation in India.


The outcome of the situational analysis and the policy dialogues aided in the development of a comprehensive implementation plan for the execution of the tobacco control and health system roadmaps up to the district level.

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