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Adapting the WHF roadmaps in India - Situational analysis of the health systems and policy barriers, policy dialogues and action plan


  • Strengthen the capacity of the Indian Health System to deliver effective interventions that reduce mortality of people with hypertension and cardiovascular disease (CVD).
  • Accelerate the implementation of tobacco control and strengthen the capacity and sustainability of the system that implements tobacco control policy.
  • Broaden the base of the cardiovascular community and strengthen its capacity to lead multi-sectoral action to reduce premature CVD mortality.


  • The adaption of the roadmap in India was based on the frameworks established by the WHF’s suite of 3 Global CVD roadmaps (for Secondary Prevention, Hypertension, and Tobacco Control).
  • The roadmap process involved conducting desk reviews, situational analysis, policy briefs, country scorecards, policy dialogues, preparing an action plan for strengthening health systems and augmenting the implementation of Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) and National Tobacco Control Programme (NTCP) in India.


The outcome of the situational analysis and the policy dialogues aided in the development of a comprehensive implementation plan for the execution of the tobacco control and health system roadmaps, up to the district level.

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